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Contact us

BUILT BY THE BEST Leaders in the Building Industry for 30 years! 1993 - 2023
Witty Wizdom:

I have great faith in fools - self-confidence my friends call it.

Our contact details.

We operate the following companies:

  • Pro Housing Group (Pty) Ltd.
  • Odendaal Consulting and Associates (Pty) Ltd.
  • SuperSoft - Developers of Integrated Business Management and Construction Systems and Engineering Software
  • Pro Housing Building Contractors (Pty) Ltd.
  • Pro Housing Civils and Plant Hire (Pty) Ltd.
  • Civils for Africa (Pty) Ltd. Botswana
  • Plus a list of smaller companies.

Our businesses and sites are operated from a group of virtual offices and site offices, which are mobile centres. We have site offices on all our sites, should you wish to visit us.

Contact us:

Secretariat, Finance and Admin:
Pro Housing Group (Pty.)Ltd.
Postnet Suite 255, P/Bag X7214, Ben Fleur, Witbank 1035.
Tel.: 072 421 0467.

Marketing and Sales:
Annemie Odendaal - 082 717 7949 or Email

Engineering, Architecture, Project Management and Software development:
P.K. Odendaal - 083 255 9898 or Email

Chief Buyer:
If you are a Supplier and you wish to quote on your products, click here:- Email