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Software packages

BUILT BY THE BEST Leaders in the Building Industry for 30 years! 1993 - 2023
Witty Wizdom:

No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy.
Business, Construction and Engineering Software

We have developed many business, construction and engineering software over the past fifty five years of which the following are really useful in the contemporary world of business, construction, office automation and engineering.

Our oldest and most mature software is 'StranSoft' - a 3D structural analysis package which is in its 55th year of production.

This is a list of our most useful software packages, which we also customize to suit your needs and requirements:
  • IBMS - Integrated Business Management System - to combine the financial, procurement and task mangement functions of very large construction and manufacturing companies and institutions.
  • StranSoft - 3D structural analysis package - user friendly, excellent graphics, CAD drawing functions with pre-configured structures and loads.
  • OfficeManager - an office management package with messages, appointments, reminders, year planner, daily journal, time keeping and much more.
  • CSC package - Client Sertvice Centre, where compliants are centralized, tasks are despatched to responsible task managers and private vendors, task monitoring, task specifications compilation and much more.
  • Office Archive - documents are received, registered, referred, recorded, followed up and archived.
  • Irrigation planning for many types of crops and can be combined with our water supply risk analysis software for rivers and dams.
  • SDP package - Social Development Program software for use with large projects, which controls employment, sub-contracting, skills training and more.